Ransburg Multifunction Electrostatic Meter - Test Equipment

The multi-function electrostatic spray meter uses one meter to serve multi functions in electrostatic spray finishing. The meter can be used to measure conductivity, paint resistance, short circuit current, resistance and high voltage. The meter is available in individual kits focused on each function or a deluxe kit, which includes accessories to perform all the functions listed above

Technical specification

Meter Scale Ranges
kV: 0 – 199,9 kV DC
µA: 0 – 1.999 µA
kΩ: 1 – 1999 KΩ (0,001 – 1.999 MΩ)
MΩ: 0,1 MΩ – 199,9 MΩ
GΩ: 0,1 GΩ – 19,99 GΩ

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